I love thinking about ideas, lots and lots of ideas. The future is only limited by your ideas. I’m thinking ahead to projects I may want to write about in the future. I’ll write those down and file them away somewhere until the time comes that I need to make a decision about what I’d like to work on next. I love visiting creative websites of all types. Here’s 65 that should spark something for you: 65 Very Creative and Funny Photoshopped Images

I also like exploring a picture such as this one and brainstorming all kinds of fun and weird stuff. I’m sure you’ve done this or something like it. What’s about to happen in this picture? Or what’s just happened and is over? Are you driving a car, riding on horseback, walking, running? Maybe you are flying a new gadget from another planet? It’s the year 2050 or maybe 1820? The trees are about to attack like in The Wizard of Oz or maybe someone is threatening to chop them down. Get the picture?

If you are an artist of any kind, writer, painter, cake decorator, architect, etc. Where and how do you develop your next creative project? If you’ve got a favorite photo or website please share your link. Let’s have fun as we create our next great project.

What could she be thinking?

11 thoughts on “GET THE PICTURE?

  1. I like the sunglasses idea, Olivia. 🙂 Those ideas can be glaring but they are fun if we can keep from being distracted so much that they take over and don’t let us get our work done.

  2. Hi there, DRC
    You certainly did capture the pic. It was so sad but then so was the pic. Exactly the kind of thing I’m talking about. You have a knack for dark and tragic. I walk on the dark side of some issues that I write about, but I try to bring the light into it or I’d find it too depressing. Yet it might be a good writing exercise to try what you did, but I think I’ll wait till I’m really having a bad day. 🙂 Thanks for contributing.

  3. The lady in the pic is hoping that the body has floated out to sea and won’t be discovered until she has moved to another town!

    Ha ha! Just kidding. That’s how my warped mind works.

    I agree…photographs do serve as inspriation. Film and artwork help me along in the brainstorming process as well. I once saw a print of a pastel painting of a friendly dragon and a boy. So I wrote “The Dragon Forest”.

    Great post!


  4. Ha! Ha! Ruth, you are a riot! I love the way your mind works.:)So glad you enjoy film and artwork for inspiration too. Sometimes I just like to go to a museum and walk around; I haven’t done that for a long time. I love dragons! The fact that you wrote a story called, “The Dragon Forest,” intrigues me.

  5. Thanks for visiting my web site! I appreciate you Googling me too! How fun is that? I was Googled! 😉 I was able to complete 47,000 for the rough draft of my latest book and hope to have at least 80,000 to send to MacGregor Literary Agency later this month. Busy busy busy! I used to walk around the Phoenix Art Museum years ago…I always felt inspired!


  6. You should be very proud of your wonderful accomplishment with your rough draft, Ruth. So hard to write that much that fast. Blessings as you pursue an agent with MacGregor Literary. Send your e-mail information to me Ruth at and maybe someday I’ll do a guest blog. 🙂

  7. What fantastic pictures, Jill! Loved them and the post. Sometimes I find my inspiration in titles or words. That’s how Donald and I developed our Turning Stone Chronicle Series. Driving on the highway we were brainstorming and we came across the town of Turning Stone (don’t remember what state) and off we went with ideas.

    Catherine Hershberger, writing as C.D. Hersh

  8. Hey Catherine!
    You finally came to visit.:) Nice to see you here. I had no idea that’s how you came up with the idea for your series. That’s neat and an example of another way we can form ideas.

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